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Thursday, November 08, 2012

JLS - Have Your Way

"Bad girl at night, good girl at day"

From one X-Factor UK boyband that managed massive worldwide success to one that ventured to America too late to make a dent. It's a shame, really, as JLS seem perfect for the American market. And even though they've yet to record a full album that's connected with me, I'm a fan of many of their tracks (especially the singles from the last album). With Evolution, the guys seem to be struggling a little on the charts, and many have said that the song Hold Me Down is their only other hope for a big single from this album. That song's alright, but I much prefer Have Your Way, which sounds like solo Justin Timberlake before he went all Sexyback and lost me as a fan. It's nothing groundbreaking, but I love the old-school funk sound and their voices sound great. I'm not sure if it would work as a single, but it's my initial favorite on the album.

Have Your Way by JLS - on Grooveshark

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.



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